icddr,b scientist joins WHO Polio Research Committee


icddr,b’s senior scientist Dr K Zaman has been selected member of the World Health Organisation’s Polio Research Committee (PRC).
The announcement was made on Saturday while he was on a visit to WHO Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, said an icddr,b media release on Sunday. PRC director Michel Zaffran handed over the official letter and invited him to the committee’s 19th meeting in April 2017.
Established in 2008, the Polio Research Committee (PRC) provides guidance on the overall strategic direction of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative’s global programme of research, which encompasses dozens of projects from a wide range of core scientific disciplines. The PRC is comprised of global experts from a variety of disciplines, including virology, epidemiology, sociology and public health.
Earlier in October 2016, Dr Zaman became a member of the WHO Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) in the polio immunistion working group.
