ICC deadline ends tomorrow, Myanmar authorities must face trail for genocide against Rohingyas

INTERNATIONAL Criminal Court (ICC) judges have given Myanmar a deadline to respond to a prosecution request that they consider hearing a case on the alleged deportation of Rohingyas to Bangladesh. In a decision published on June 21, the judges asked Myanmar to reply by July 27 to the request made in April that the ICC should exercise jurisdiction over the alleged crimes. The judges asked Myanmar to respond to the matter of jurisdiction and circumstances surrounding the crossing of the border by Rohingyas, according to international media.
More than 1.2 million Rohingyas are now staying in Bangladesh. Referring the issue, the ICC in its decision said: “Considering that the crime of deportation is alleged to have commenced on the territory of Myanmar, the chamber deems it appropriate to seek observations from the competent authorities of Myanmar on the prosecutor’s request.”
As per existing rules, the world’s first permanent war crimes court (ICC) does not have automatic jurisdiction in Myanmar because it is not a member state. Nevertheless, the prosecutor asked the ICC to look into a possible prosecution through Bangladesh, which is a member. And that’s the point. Media report quoting ICC Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda said that, given the cross-border nature of the crime of deportation, a ruling in favour of ICC jurisdiction would be in line with established legal principles.
On May 30, the Global Rights Compliance also filed submissions on behalf of 400 Rohingya women and children at the ICC urging the Court to accept its jurisdiction to investigate and, if necessary, prosecute the crimes of genocide, deportation, apartheid and persecution as a result of their brutal mistreatment at the hands of the Myanmar authorities during the course of their displacement to Bangladesh and subsequently. The submissions were filed in response to the Prosecution request for a ruling on the question of jurisdiction and support the Prosecution’s position that the Court is vested with the requisite jurisdiction.
Only two days in hand — Myanmar will have to give an answer to ICC within the time limit. We hope, the ICC will come forward to take the Rohingya deportation to Bangladesh in cognizance and take legal move against Myanmar authorities for their crimes against humanity which is considered one of the biggest ethnic cleansings after World War-II.