ICAB Members’ confce on cyber crime held

Economic Reporter :
As assurance service providers, professional accountant in practice has to look into the organizations for cyber risk management. They should take responsibility to advise the organizations for improvement of cyber security systems.
The company directors should often discharge their duties by delegating them to professional accountants who would come up with methods to protect the company silver increasingly in a digital environment.
ICAB Council Member and Past President Mohammed Humayun Kabir in his key-note paper described the role of professional accountants in preventing cyber malpractice.
In the backdrop of Panama papers scam and hacking of reserve money of Bangladesh Bank, the Members Conference pictureInstitute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh (ICAB) organized the members’ conference on the rising threat of cyber attacks and expectations from the Professional Accountants on Sunday, 10 April 2016 at ICAB auditorium where Kabir presented his paper.
Dr. QaziKholiquzzaman Ahmad, Chairman, Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF) graced the program as the chief guest.