Ibrahim Cardiac Hospital and Research Institute and Muntada Air, UK sign a MoU on Wednesday. Under the agreement, Muntada Air will provide surgical expenditure of 100 pediatric patients every year. Sayed Ali, Managing Director (in-charge) of Muntada Aid, A K Azad Khan, President of Bangladesh Diabetic Samiti, Md Saif Uddin General Secretary, M A Rashid Chief Executive Officer were present at a MoU signing ceremony among others.

Ibrahim Cardiac Hospital and Research Institute and Muntada Air, UK sign a MoU on Wednesday. Under the agreement, Muntada Air will provide surgical expenditure of 100 pediatric patients every year. Sayed Ali, Managing Director (in-charge) of Muntada Aid,
Ibrahim Cardiac Hospital and Research Institute and Muntada Air, UK sign a MoU on Wednesday. Under the agreement, Muntada Air will provide surgical expenditure of 100 pediatric patients every year. Sayed Ali, Managing Director (in-charge) of Muntada Aid,

