IBBL holds AGM in city

UNB, Dhaka :
The 8thAnnual General Meeting of IslamiBank Securities Limited,a subsidiary company of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limitedwas held on Thursdayat its head office in the capital.
Themeetingapproved 10 percent cashdividendfor the shareholders of 2017.
Md Syful Islam FCA of FCMA,presided over the meeting whileDr Areef Suleman, representatives of Islamic Development Bank-Director,Professor Md Sirajul Karim, Md Mahbub-ul-Alam, Muhammed Monirul Moula, JQM Habibullah andother shareholders were also present there among others.
Mahmudul Islam,CEO(in-charge),MdEskandar MirzaAzad,company secretary (currentin-charge)also attended the programme.