I don’t understand logic behind anti-quota movement: PM

UNB, Dhaka :
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Tuesday said she is unable to understand the logic behind the movement against the quota system in government jobs.
“What’s the reason behind such a sudden movement against the quota system? We don’t understand,” she said.
The Prime Minister was speaking at the inaugural function of electronically distribution of honorary allowances among freedom fighters to their bank accounts (government to person) in Cox’s Bazar through a videoconference from her official residence Ganobhaban.
She said, those who appear in PSC examinations have to go through a serious scrutiny before getting any job. “Aren’t those who appear in the exams brilliant? All are brilliant here; the PSC exams are very much tough, without being brilliant nobody can appear in these exams!”
The Prime Minister said, one cannot pass the PSC exams if he or she is not brilliant. “Those who’re very much talented can go through the PSC exam process, and they get the government job,”
Hasina said. She mentioned that the government has introduced the non-cadre job from PSC exams. “How much talented are they to utter that those who are getting job through PSC exams are not brilliant, how dare they talk such non-sense?” Hasina asked.
Regarding the violent movement, the Prime Minister said she could understand the movement, but she is unable to understand the logic behind ransacking the house of the Dhaka University Vice Chancellor at midnight, entered his bedroom and looted valuables, including golden ornaments and cash. “We, as the DU students, cannot believe the agitators being its students can enter the VC’s house… we cannot believe that any student can do that. I feel ashamed of thinking this, and if that involved persons are students then it’s more shameful for us,” she said. Sheikh Hasina said the anti-quota movement is indirectly against the facility for freedom fighters and their family members to get government jobs. She said the AL government has ensured the quota for the freedom fighters and their family members so that they could take part in running the republic.
“When an anarchic situation erupted in the name of anti-quota movement, I had declared to remove the quota system, but we’ve to look after that the anti-liberation element and war criminals so that cannot return to power and cannot get position in any government job,” the Prime Minister said. She mentioned that there was a writ in the High Court about freedom fighters quota and as per its verdict the unfilled posts should be lying vacant. “But, the government moved the Appellate Division seeking a review. The Appellate Division said the vacant posts can be filled with persons from the merit list.” “I feel pity, when I see educated, knowledgeable persons, even university teachers and retired public servants in the talk-show talk against the quota system, they never say these students committed a very bad job attacking the DU VC’s house. What could be worse than this for a DU student? They never talk about this; even they don’t know anything about the directives of the Appellate Division,” she bemoaned.