I can’t ensure non-violence in polls: CEC


Staff Reporter :
Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) KM Nurul Huda said, he cannot guarantee that violence will not break out during the next phase of union parishad election.
The CEC passed the remarks while delivering his introductory speech in a special meeting on law and order at the Election Bhaban, Agargaon in the capital on Wednesday (November 24).
“The clashes that took place during the last phases of election usually occurred late at night, around 3am or so,” he said.
He added, “Though the police officials had not been able to reach there to restore the law immediately, they have been able take appropriate legal actions against the rioters.”
CEC Huda has also claimed that the ongoing union parishad (UP) election have been participatory and successful.
An average of 74 percent of votes were cast. However, cantering UP elections, there have been some isolated accidents and causalities, he said.
KM Nurul Huda urged the ministers and MP’s not to breaches the law saying if anyone disobeys the electoral code of conduct, criminal case will be filed against them.
He said we are trying to minimize political violence during polls as order issued to law enforcer agencies to act strictly and there is no scope to show any kind of favor to anyone.
The meeting was attended by four Election Commissioners (EC), Senior Secretary, Department of Public Security, Ministry of Home Affairs, Senior Secretary, Local Government, EC Secretary, Additional Secretary to the Cabinet, Acting Inspector General of Police, Border Guard Bangladesh, Ansar and VDP, DGFI, NSI.
