Hurting religious sentiments Complaint lodged against Khaleda


UNB, Dhaka :
A complaint has been lodged against BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia with the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Court here for offending people’s religious sentiments and giving provocative remarks against the ruling party.
Bangladesh Jananetri Parishad president AB Siddiqui filed the complaint with the court of Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Mostafizur Rahman on Tuesday morning.
Rawshanara Sikdar Daizy, lawyer of AB Siddiqui, said the statement of the complainant might be taken yesterday.
According to the compliant, BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia gave provocative remarks against the ruling party Awami League and made speech offending people’s religious sentiments at a programme of the Hindu community held at the Institute of Engineers, Dhaka on October 14.
At the programme, Khaleda Zia said Awami League is wearing mask of secularism. Actually, the party believes in impiety and no people of any religion are safe in the hands of this government, says the complaint.
The remarks made by Khaleda Zia are punishable offence according to the section 153/ ‘ka’ of the Bangladesh Penal Code, said Daizy.
