Hurriyat leader Geelani urges Kashmiris to unite, issues 5-point ‘programme of action’

Hurriyat leader Geelani issues 5-point 'programme of action' for resistance against Indian govt on Sunday. Internet photo
Hurriyat leader Geelani issues 5-point 'programme of action' for resistance against Indian govt on Sunday. Internet photo
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Chairman of the All Parties Hurriyat Confe­rence (APHC) Syed Ali Shah Geelani has issued a five-point “programme of action” for resistance against the Indian government and called upon the residents of the occupied region of Jammu and Kashmir, Indian police officials deployed in the territory, and the Pakistani people to “resist” New Delhi’s “campaign of brutal repression” following the repealing of Article 370 of the constitution.
In an open letter to the people of occupied Kashmir – which is dated August 23 but surfaced on Sunday – Geelani detailed and condemned recent events, which includes stripping the occupied territory of its special status and a continued communications blackout and lockdown that has been in place in the region for the past three weeks.
Gillani issued a “heartfelt appeal” to the residents of Jammu and Kashmir to “continue to resist […] the naked Indian brutality with courage”. He urged the resistance to organise “peaceful protests and demonstrations” in their areas.
“While doing so, we must remain absolutely disciplined and not give the enemy, who is armed and ready to kill, any excuse whatsoever to hurt our lives and property. It is very important that our demonstrations remain absolutely peaceful so that more and more people are able to join. If the Indian armed forces still attack our gatherings, the entire responsibility for the possible loss of lives and property will be on them, and the world will remain witness to their deeds.”
