Hunger-striking Palestinian prisoner in coma

AFP, Ramallah :
A Palestinian held by Israel without trial has slipped into a coma after a nearly two-month hunger strike, his lawyer said on Friday.
“I was informed yesterday evening by the (Israeli) hospital where he is being held that he had fallen into a coma,” Jamil al-Khatib, the attorney of detainee Mohammed Allan, told AFP.
There was no immediate confirmation from the Israeli authorities.
A spokeswoman for the Palestinian Prisoners Club said Allan was on life support.
“Mohammed Allan fell into a coma and was then placed on an artificial respirator,” Amani Sarahneh said.
A spokesman for the Israel Prisons Service said he was not aware of such developments.
Allan, an alleged Islamic Jihad activist who has been held without charge by Israel since November, has been on hunger strike since June 18, the prisoners club said.
His case is a source of growing concern among the Palestinian public.