Humayun off to Thailand


Industries Minister Nurul Majid Mahmud Humayun left Dhaka on Sunday morning for Thailand to join the high level meeting on sustainable development in Asia and the Pacific.
The three-day ninth regional 3R Forum in Asia and the Pacific is jointly being organized by the Ministry of Natural Resources of Thailand, Ministry of Environment of Japan and United Nations Centre for Regional Development in Thai capital Bangkok, said a ministry release.
The 3R strategies are reduction, reuse and recycling of solid wastage and misuse of raw materials.
The minister is scheduled to chair the plenary session tiled “Technology as a driver for clean energy and green industry towards sufficient economy-implications towards SDG-7, 9 and 12”.
Besides, he would highlight different activities taken by the government to strengthen sustainable and green industrialization in Bangladesh. In addition, the minister would take part as panel discussant in a high level meeting for policy makers on circular economics.
Representatives of different countries from Asia and the Pacific would participate in the forum to discuss the implementation modes of the 3R strategies to attain the sustainable goals.
