Humayun for achieving world class capability in terms of product quality


Business Desk :
Industries Minister Nurul Majid Mahmud Humayun on Wednesday underscored the need for achieving world-class capability in terms of product quality in order to achieve the sustainable development goals (SDGs) through industrialization.
“Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution (BSTI) should also be upgraded to the level of development that Bangladesh has reached under the dynamic leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina,” he said.
The minister said this while speaking as the chief guest at a function marking the 51th World Standards Day at BSTI auditorium in the city, said a press release.
Humayun called for expanding the activities of BSTI to ensure the quality of the products produced in the factories set up in the villages.
He said quality industrialization activities need to be intensified to achieve the development targets, announced by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina like Vision 2021, Vision 2041 and Delta Plan 2100.
He said the present government has already taken initiative to develop BSTI as a modern quality control and standard setting body. For this purpose, modern laboratories have been set up in the central and departmental level offices of the organization, he added.
The industries minister said the activities of the organization will be further expanded to achieve the goal of strengthening quality industrialization at the grassroots level.
He called upon the officers and employees of all levels of BSTI to fulfill their professional responsibilities to enhance the institutional capacity of BSTI to build resistance against counterfeiting and adulteration as well as to create awareness among the people about the quality of products and services.
State Minister for Industries Kamal Ahmed Mojumder, Industries Secretary KM Ali Azam and FBCCI President Sheikh Fazle Fahim were present as special guests while BSTI Director General Md Nazrul Anwar presided over it.
Kamal Ahmed Mojumder called upon the BSTI to strengthen its activities to prevent adulteration of products in the ongoing corona situation.
He said that even in this crisis of Coronavirus, some profiteering traders are deceiving the buyers by selling spoiled and adulterated products in various ways.
