Human Rights seminar at CUB

A view of the seminar dubbed as 'Human Rights: Can the UN Help?' held at Canadian University of Bangladesh on the occasion of World Human Rights Day recently.
A view of the seminar dubbed as 'Human Rights: Can the UN Help?' held at Canadian University of Bangladesh on the occasion of World Human Rights Day recently.
Campus Report :
School of Law, Canadian University of Bangladesh (CUB) organized a seminar on ‘Human Rights: Can the UN Help?’ on the occasion of World Human Rights Day. Chowdhury Nafeez Sarafat, Founder and Chairman, Canadian University of Bangladesh conferred vote of thanks in the event. Dr Syed Sharfaraj Hamid, Associate Prof and Head, School of Law conducted the seminar.
Dr Uttam Kumar das, Advocate, Supreme Court of Bangladesh and Program Director, Social Dialogue and Industrial Relations (ILO), Barrister Jennifer Ashraf, Senior Consultant (Legal Expert) of World Bank and Ministry of Environment, Bangladesh, Rowshon Ara, Project Director (Naripokkho), Strengthening of State and Community Initiatives for the Prevention and Reduction of Violence Against Women Project and Barrister M Kamruzzaman Shadhin, Advocate, Supreme Court of Bangladesh were the speaker of the seminar.
Among others, Prof Dr James Gomez, Pro-Vice Chancellor, SM Arifuzzaman, Associate Prof and Head, School of Business and Tusher Nabi Khan, Coordinator, School of Communications and Lecturer, Program of Film and TV of Canadian University of Bangladesh were also present on the occasion.