Huge potential of tourism untapped


Staff Reporter :
Bangladesh Tourism Board (BTB) and Save Our Sea, a marine conservation organisation of Bangladesh, jointly organised a daylong workshop on Eco-Tourism at Parjatan Bhaban, Agargaon in the capital on Sunday.
The motive of this session was to present the sustainable eco-friendly tourism to the nation through media focusing. It will help reaching the target of developed country.
Speakers of the workshop focused on different issues that potentials for the tourism sector of Bangladesh and as well as its obstacles.
They said huge prospects of tourism in our country still remain unexplored.
Jabed Ahmed, Chief Executive Officer (Additional Secretary) of Tourism Board, Abu Tahir Muhammad Zaber, Director of Tourism Board, Professor Dr. Mohammad Muslem Uddin, Chairman of Oceanography department of Chittagong University, Santus Kumar Deb, Chairman, Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Dhaka University, Muhammad Anwarul Hoque, Secretary General of Save Our Sea and SM Atiqur Rahman, Ocean Explorer and Director of Save Our Sea gave speeches at the programme.
Jabed Ahmed said, about four lakh foreign tourists used to visit Bangladesh every year.
He emphasised on eco-friendly tourism for gaining sustainability in this potential economic sector.
The CEO said that tour operators of private sector have a responsibility to protect bio-diversity and ecology for building a sustainable tourism.
Abu Tahir Muhammad Zaber
said, the Tourism Board has initiated a mega plan to build up a sustainable tourism sector in the country.
Professor Dr. Mohammad Muslem Uddin said there are huge prospects on ocean oriented tourism and everyone has liability to protect ecological environment under the ocean water.
Santus Kumar Deb emphasised on pollution free tourism to boost the sector like European countries.
SM Atiqur Rahman said Scuba diving can open a new horizon of maritime based tourism in the country.
