HT Imam urges new generation to join ‘real war’


Staff Reporter :
Prime Minister’s political adviser HT Imam has urged the new generation and pro-liberation forces to participate in a ‘real war’ to save the country from anarchists.
He was addressing a protest meeting titled ‘Resist terrorism save country’ as the chief guest organized by Freedom Fighter BCS Officers’ Welfare Association at Dhaka reporters Unity on Wednesday.
“In this war, we will help the law enforcing agencies with more arms. Side by side, the pro-liberation force will stay beside them as volunteers. From now on, the attackers will not only be resisted, rather they will be eliminated,” he said.
He said, “It is not the old BNP…..The arms, those are now using this party, are more advanced. So far we presume they [BNP] are now using chemical weapons under the cover of petrol bombs. And it was not possible for them with out help from some international organization.”
“They [BNP and its allies] fear the country will become a middle-income group country by 2021. They conducted attack in this way before January 5 election last year. But we have won the war. Now we have started a ‘real war’ against the terrorists like al-Qaeda and other militant groups. We will participate in the war and eliminate them, he said.
Meanwhile, Prime Minister’s economic adviser Moshiur Rahman said that the BNP and Hefazt-e Islami are of same character.
“In democratic system, a political party like Jamaar-e Islami has no honour. Their attacks remind us the scenario of 1971. Their main target is to establish a fundamental state. There is an involvement of Jamaat-e Islami in the ongoing killing and arson attacks,” he said.
