HSC pass rate falls in Ctg Board

A Correspondent :
Like the previous year, the female students have performed well compared to the male students under the board. The average pass rate of female of this year is 73.28 per cent while the male is 71.36.
The results of Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) examination under Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board, Chittagong published on Sunday showed slight fall in pass rate than the previous year. According to the results, 61.09 per cent examinees came out success this year while the rate of pass was 64.60 per cent in last year.
A total of 1391 examinees obtained GPA-5 in the examination in the current year while 2,253 examinees had obtained GPA-5 last year. The number of obtaining GPA-5 decreased this year. The number is 862 less than obtaining GPA-5 last year.
A total of 83,193 students participated in the HSC examination this year. Of them, a total of 50,347 students passed the HSC examination in the current year. Of the total examinees, a total of 41,932 were male while 41,261 female.
It may be mentioned that a total of 87,463 student participated in the HSC examination last year. Of them, a total of 56,016 students passed HSC examination last year.
However, the education board recorded falling number of GPA-5, highest grade point average, achievers as compared to the last year’s result. A total of 17,308 students of Science Group participated in the HSC examination this year. Of them, 10,134 are male while 7,174 are female students.
A total of 34,287 students of Business Administration Group participated at the HSC examination in the current year. Of them, 18,988 are male students while 15,299 are female students.
A total of 31,595 students of Humanities Group participated in the HSC examination in the current year. Of them, 12,810 are male students while 18,785 are female students.
Like the previous year, the female students have performed well compared to the male students under the board. The average pass rate of female of this year is 73.28 per cent while the male is 71.36.
The result statistics showed that the examinees appeared before the HSC examination under Chittagong education board from Science group have done well this year than the previous year.
In the previous year, 76.94 in 2016 and 70.03 per cent examinees in 2015 from Science Group came out success but this year the pass rate from Science Group is 77.34.
The pass percentage of Humanities Group is 47.49 which were 51.62 percent in the last year while Business Studies Group recorded 65.36 per cent in the pass rate which was 70.85 percent in 2016.
Controller of Examinations of Chittagong Education Board Mahbub Hasan was happy with the results which are very parallel to the previous year. He said, “The results of this year are very parallel as compared to the previous year. But the rate of pass and GPA-5 decreased this year. “I hope.