HSC exams from Apr 3


Staff Reporter :
The Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) and its equivalent examinations-2016 will begin from April 3 across the country.
About 12.19 lakh examinees from 8,533 educational institutions will take part in the examinations this year.
Of the examinees, around 6.54 lakh are males and around 5.65 lakh are females.
Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid disclosed this at a press conference in his Ministry on Thursday.
Education Secretary Md Sohrab Hossain, Director General of Directorate of Secondary Education Fahima Khatun and high officials of the Ministry, were present at the press conference.
Nurul Islam Nahid warned the teachers, who leak question papers or engineer forgery in the examination halls, of taking tough action against them if they continue their bad practice.
“We will take action for any kind of malpractice as per the existing law. If any one is found guilty, he or she will lose their jobs. Nobody can protect them,” the Minister said.
He also said that the suspected people and the coaching centers would be brought under surveillance to check the question paper leakage and other forgeries.
Theoretical examinations will begin on April 3 and will end on June 9 while practical examinations will be held between June 11 and June 20.
According to the schedule, the examinations will begin at 10:00am and will continue till 1:00pm while the day’s second shift examinations are from 2:00pm to end at 5:00pm.
