HSC, equivalent exam results likely in 12-14 February


News Desk :
The results of the Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) and its equivalent examinations of 2021 are likely to be published in any day between 12 and 14 February.
Meanwhile, education boards sent proposal seeking the approval of the education ministry to publish the results in any of these days.
Speaking to the media, Tapan Kumar Sarkar, secretary to the Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Dhaka, said they proposed to publish the
result in any day between 12 and 14 February.
The education ministry will now seek the consent of the Prime Minister. Once the ministry receives the prime minister’s consent, it will set the date to publish the results.
Earlier, HSC and its equivalent examinations were held in December after a long delay caused by the Covid-19 pandemic with students taking the tests on MCQ method on three group-based subjects.
