HSBC engages RMG sector transitioning to circular economy


Business Desk :
 In recent years, sustainable fashion has gained momentum and consumers’ increased conscientiousness is changing the mode of apparel industry operations across the world.
To encourage dialogue on how to support the apparel sector’s sustainable transition, HSBC Bangladesh on Tuesday organised the first of the sustainable series webinar on ‘Transitioning towards a circular economy for the apparel sector.’
The event discussed how businesses are adapting to the demand for sustainable supply chains and what the apparel industry in Bangladesh can do to accelerate the change towards sustainable fashion even in the post-COVID-19 era.
The webinar was attended by over 100 textile and garment HSBC customers and senior leaders from the Asia Pacific region.
Gihan Palihena, Director, Asia Product Supply Chain, South Asia, Kontoor Brands; Nikhil Hirdaramani, Director, Hirdaramani Group; Kutubuddin Ahmed, Chairman, Envoy Textiles Ltd. and Envoy Group; RanjanMahtani, Founder and Executive Chairman, Epic Group; Lindsey Hermes, Head of Enterprise Solutions, Serai; Laura Galvin, Regional Head of International Markets, Commercial Banking Asia-Pacific, HSBC; Md Mahbub ur Rahman, Chief Executive Officer, HSBC Bangladesh; Lucy Acton, Senior ESG Analyst, HSBC Global Research and Kevin Green, Country Head of Wholesale Banking, HSBC Bangladesh, among others, spoke at the event.
Circular fashion industry is a fast-growing movement to reuse and recycle all materials, eliminating waste and pollution and regenerating the environment in a “circular model”.
This rethink of the fundamentals of how the industry operates is gaining traction among sustainable fashion brands. These trends are signaling a transformation of the retail landscape and major shifts in the demographics of consumption.
