Salahuddin missing: HRW wants independent investigation


Bangladesh authorities should immediately order an independent investigation into what it said the ‘enforced disappearance’ of BNP spokesperson and joint secretary Salahuddin Ahmed, says the Human Rights Watch (HRW).
The global rights body says Salahuddin Ahmed was last seen on the evening of March 10 when, according to an eyewitness, he was taken away by men identifying themselves as members of Detective Branch of the police.
“The government has denied involvement or knowledge of his whereabouts.”
Despite complaints to the police by his family members and the filing of a case with a court by his wife demanding that the government produce him before court, the BNP leader has not surfaced, the HRW says.
On March 16, the Inspector General of Police, responding to a Dhaka High Court order, reported that the various security services under his control had not detained or arrested Salahuddin Ahmed. The court found there was little evidence to show that the police had conducted a serious investigation, but then adjourned the hearings until April 8.
“Ahmed’s forcible disappearance needs a credible and independent investigation. This should happen urgently, since by April 8 it could be too late,” said Brad Adams, Asia director at Human Rights Watch.
