How to get a natural


Life desk :Don’t we all love rosy cheeks? While there are plenty of makeup products that help the skin glow, there are also some homemade remedies to getting a natural blush. We tell you how…Apply beetroot: Crush or mash a beetroot and extract its juice. Apply some of it regularly, preferably in the morning. Beetroot is extremely rich in iron and hence, you may also drink a glass of juice everyday to get a natural blush on your cheeks.Gramflour face pack: Make a face pack by mixing one tablespoon of gram flour, one tablespoon of curd, one tablespoon of cream and a pinch of turmeric powder. Apply this pack on your face and leave it to dry. This pack is especially beneficial in removing a tan and making the cheeks glow.Rose petal face mask: Crush some rose petals and grind some almonds in a blender. Add some teaspoons of mint juice and honey to it. Apply this liberally for at least a week to get best results. Your face will look pink and healthy.Cider Vinegar: Vinegar is a detoxifying agent. It makes your skin fresh and dewy. Moreover, it also helps in restoring blood circulation and in turn makes the skin blush.
