How to create a skincare routine


Nazifa Tasneem Ahmed Miti :
Over the past few years, there has been an exponential rise in skincare enthusiasts. Skincare products have been gaining popularity as it is being accepted as a way of caring for oneself. Also, as people nowadays seek to find remedies for the consequences their skin faces due to very hectic lifestyles, skincare products see a surge in demands. Pimples and hyper pigmentation resulting from stress and sun damage due to long hours of working under the sun are prime examples of such. When looking for ways to restore the healthiness of skin, one may get overwhelmed by the huge collection to choose from. To ease up the complex process of creating a skincare routine, let us look into the function of each step of a routine.
 Cleansers: It is perhaps the most important step of any skincare routine. Cleansers wash away dirt, bacteria, excess sebum and all other topical impurities flocking on the skin. Putting on the lather made from gel or foam cleansers in circular motions emulsifies oil and dirt present on the skin. While spreading the lather, the usage of gentle hand strokes also help remove dead skin cells from the skin surface. Moreover, these steps too lead to decongestion of pores. We know it is vital to keep our pores clean to fend off chances of breakouts. Dermatologists recommend washing our face at least once a day.
Toners: The second step to creating a perfect skincare routine is including toners. Our skin has a natural pH of 4.5-5.5. Cleansers usually have pH levels ranging from 5 to up to 9. After washing our face, the skin’s pH balance gets disrupted. A too-alkaline pH situation may result in dry and dehydrated skin. The task of the toner is to restore the pH level of our skin. Toners also help greatly to shrink the appearance of pores. It also indulges the skin with a boost of hydration. Aestheticians believe applying a toner beforehand alleviates the absorption of the following skincare products better. .
Serums: For battling specific concerns, serums are our go-to. Thanks to its smaller molecular size, it penetrates to the deeper layers of skin which other types of products fail to do. Serums contain a high concentration of active ingredients. Active ingredients are any component that has a direct effect in the cure, mitigation or treatment of any skin issue. Serums containing retinol fights off wrinkles and fine lines by catalyzing skin cell turnover. Solutions consisting of high concentration of niacinamide alleviate benign acne and shrinks pores. Vitamin C serums are ideal to treat skin discoloration, also simultaneously hydrating and brightening the skin. Due to its ability to seep in deeper, serums show differences upon using it a lot quicker than using other types of products. Serums can be used on a daily basis, while the ones containing potent ingredients can be restricted to using 2-3 times a week.
Moisturisers: After applying all the previous products, our next task is to seal in all the goodness from evaporating. Moisturisers are predominantly used to create a protective barrier on our skin. It stops moisture from flying out. Moisturisers also hydrate and help retain moisture balance. This step is considered essential for any skin. .
Sunscreen: The main job of a sunscreen is to protect the skin from UVA and UVB rays. Both are strong rays of the sun which may pose harmful effects for our skin. UVA rays are found to have longer wavelengths than the latter which allows it to reach deeper into our skin levels.
It damages the nucleus and thus the DNA of our skin cells. Such leads to premature aging. In extreme cases, too much exposure to the sun can cause skin cancer. UVB rays do not see too deep into the skin but still causes sunburn, sun spots and hyperpigmentation. With daily usage of sunscreen, all these potential problems can be dodged. Sunscreen can be used by anyone and everyoneof all ages. Dermatologists suggest using a generous amount of sunblock when stepping out of the house.
A skincare routine helps us to obtain healthy looking and feeling skin. Do not get intimidated by the lengthy process! Not all steps from cleansing to sunscreen are required to be followed to reach our target. A simple cleanser, followed by a moisturizer and sunscreen can still be effective enough to achieve our skin goals.
