How helpless people could be that police are frequently blamed for brutality and death

A house-owner was allegedly beaten to death by the police in the city’s Uttarkhan on Saturday morning. The deceased Moniruzzaman Monir, 40, used to work at Dhaka lower court.
Monir’s family members complained that several cops – some in plainclothes- raided the building at Chamarkhan of Uttarkhan early in the morning. The victim’s brother Zakir Hawlader said that cops from Uttarkhan police station raided the four-story building and dragged his brother onto the rooftop where he was beaten. As usual Uttarkhan Thana officials claimed that the police went to the house of the deceased due to a complaint and the house-owner went to the rooftop seeing the police and mysteriously fell sick and died.
Of all the ludicrous claims made by the police, surely this has to rank among the top in terms of excuses made for a possible extrajudicial death.
Only an autopsy made by any proper medical authority can find out the real reason behind the death of this individual who was apparently trying his best to call off a wedding because the bride was interested in someone else.
It is quite likely that this sordid affair is in some way connected to the death of the individual but we will have to wait for the result of an enquiry led by an ADC of police to find out the real cause.
The audacity of the police knows no bounds as they managed to beat the owner of a house to death in his own home. If he was a criminal or even committed a murder they should have arrested him and brought him to justice instead of beating him to death like a dog.
No one deserves such a death. But unfortunately in our country such deaths in the hands of police or killers happen too frequently to be believable.
The police are seen in civilised countries as friends of people and presence of police gives the people assurance of fair conduct as law enforcers. It is not good for reputation of a police force that the person died for fear of police. That does not make police good law enforcers.
Such events should be disturbing for high-ups in the police administration. Every dangerous act is bound to have dangerous consequence. In public life public judgement will come today or tomorrow.
It is not enough for us to say nobody deserves such helpless death where there is a government of any kind. The public servants are not public servants although people maintain them so. Unless the government finds such killings good for its policy of keeping people in fear of life, this trend will not stop.
The people could be so helpless about security of life only where they do not have a government of their own .They cannot be sure if they are police or just hired killers.
In the present situation, the people have no right to know who are they and why they cannot be restrained and must live in fear about their security of life.