Housewife’s hanging body found

UNB, Chuadanga :
A housewife was found hanging from the ceiling of her house at Khaskarra village in Alamdanga upazila on Thursday night.
The deceased was identified as Shimla Khatun, 19, wife of Aksed Ali of the village.
Munshi Asaduzzaman, officer-in-charge of Alamdanga Police Station, said being informed by local people police recovered the hanging body of the young woman in the night and sent it to local hospital morgue for autopsy.
Shimla’s husband and his family members went into hiding.
Laltu Mia, brother of the victim, said Shimla, daughter of Akbar Ali of
Sadar upazila, got married to Aksed Ali three months ago and the in-law’s of Shimla used to torture her over dowry since her marriage.
He also claimed that Aksed and his family members killed Shimla being failing to realise dowry money and hanged the body from the ceiling of the house.