Housewife strangled for dowry in Jessore

UNB, Benapole :
A young housewife was strangulated to death allegedly by her husband and in-laws over a dowry-related feud at Lalitadah village in Sadar upazila of Jessore district on Tuesday night.
The deceased was identified as Pervin Akter,25, wife of Harun-or-Rashid, a resident of the same village.
Locals said Harun had Pervin, daughter of Mahammad Ali Karim, a resident of Bahirgachhi village in Kaliganj upazila of Jhenidah district, five years back.
After their marriage, Harun and his family members had often tortured Pervin for dowry.
The victim’s father Karim alleged that Harun had demanded Tk one lakh from Pervin.