Housewife killed ‘by husband’ in Chuadanga

UNB, Chuadanga :
A housewife was slaughtered to death allegedly by her husband over family feud at Gopinathpur village in sadar upazila early Sunday.
The deceased was identified as Aliya Khatun, 38, wife of Raham Ali, a resident of the village.
Suruj Hossain, deceased’s son, said he heard screaming of his mother from their room early in the morning and rushed there.
Suruj found his mother’s body lying on the floor.
Suruj also said that his parents often quarreled with each other.
Raham Ali managed to flee after the incident.
On information, police recovered the body.
Saiful Islam, officer-in-charge of Chuadanga Sadar Police Station, said Aliya might have been killed over family feud.
On information, police recovered the body.
Saiful Islam, officer-in-charge of Chuadanga Sadar Police Station, said Aliya might have been killed over family feud.