Housewife injured by dacoits in Kachua

Bagerhat Correspondent :
A gang of alleged dacoits looted gold ornaments and other valuables after inflicting severe cut injuries on Shilpi Begum (38), a housewife of village Narendrapur under Kachua Upazila in Bagerhat district at Thursday night, according to a delayed report received here.  
In the following morning Shilpi Begum was recovered and at first she was admitted to Bagerhat Sadar Hospital for her treatment. But considering her precarious condition she was shifted from there to Khulna Medical College Hospital for better treatment.
Shilpi Begum is the wife of one Jalal Howladar of the village (Narendrapur). The husband is residing in Dhaka in connection with his service. So, Shilpi Begum is residing in the village along with her son Mithun who is a student of Class VII. It is learnt from Mithun that at the night at about 1 am a gang of armed dacoits raided their house, entered it after breaking its pucca wall and asked her mother to hand over the keys of the Almirah. But when his mother refused to do so the dacoits began to chop her. At one stage when she fell flat on the floor the dacoits snatched away gold chain and other ornaments from her body, looted cash Taka and other valuables from the house and fled away.