Housewife detained as domestic help dies

Staff Reporter :
A housewife has been arrested over the mysterious death of a female domestic help in Mohammadpur area of the capital.
Police detained housewife Roksana Parvin after multiple injury marks were found on the body of 12-year old maid Jannati.
Jannati used to work in the house of Bangladesh Water Development Board’s Executive Engineer Sayeed Ahmed on Sir Syed Road of Mohammadpur area.
Jannati’s father Janu Mollah said he was informed on Tuesday morning that Jannati was sick and he should come immediately to see her.
When he reached Dhaka from his home in Bagura’s Gabtoli, he found her daughter dead.
Janu Mollah said he had seen several injury marks on her daughter’s body.
Officer-in-Charge of Mohammadpur Police Station GG Biswas said they had received a call from Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College Hospital on Tuesday night. The caller said that a couple had brought the body of a teenager. Police conducted the postmortem and asked the hospital authorities to conduct autopsy, he added. Salim Reza, head of the hospital’s forensic medicine department, said the body had marks of injury made with a blunt object. She might have died of internal bleeding, Reza added.