House Dems introduce impeachment articles against Trump

People hold up signs at a rally calling for the impeachment of President Donald Trump in San Francisco.
People hold up signs at a rally calling for the impeachment of President Donald Trump in San Francisco.
AP, Washington :
A half-dozen Democrats on Wednesday introduced articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump, accusing him of obstruction of justice and other offenses, in a long-shot effort that stands little chance in the Republican-led House.
Indeed, the large majority of Democrats seem intent on having nothing to do with the effort either as lawmakers await the results of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into ties between the Trump campaign and Russia. Democratic leaders have argued that the impeachment campaign riles up Trump’s GOP base, a critical bloc in next year’s midterm elections.
The five articles accused the president of obstruction of justice related to the FBI investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election, undermining the independence of the federal judiciary and other offenses.
“We have taken this action because of great concerns for the country and our Constitution and our national security and our democracy,” Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tenn., said at a news conference to announce the effort.
Cohen said he understands that Republicans hold the majority in the House and are unlikely to allow hearings on the impeachment articles. He said the group will hold occasional briefings to explain each of the five articles of impeachment and where they believe Trump ran afoul of the law or committed misdeeds that warrant impeachment.
The obstruction of justice allegation stems from Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey, which the lawmakers say was designed to delay and impede an investigation.
The articles of impeachment also charge that Trump has accepted without the consent of Congress emoluments from foreign states and from the U.S. government. Finally, the articles of impeachment allege he has undermined the federal judiciary and the freedom of the press.
Cohen and other leaders of the impeachment effort disagreed that their effort could hurt Democrats in next year’s congressional elections.
“I think the Democratic base needs to be activated. The Democratic base needs to know there are members of Congress willing to stand up against this president,” Cohen said.
Other lawmakers who have signed onto to the resolution are Democratic Reps. Luis Gutierrez of Illinois, Al Green of Texas, Marcia Fudge of Ohio, Adriano Espaillat of New York and John Yarmuth of Kentucky.
Gutierrez said he wasn’t afraid to support the resolution despite the concerns of some fellow Democrats.
“I see a crime and I have a responsibility to dial 911 immediately. I don’t call and try to reach consensus with all my neighbors and all my friends and those whose opinion I might seek out,” Gutierrez said.
A spokesman for the Republican National Committee criticized the effort.
“House Democrats lack a positive message and are completely unwilling to work across the aisle, so instead they’ve decided to support a baseless radical effort that the vast majority of Americans disagree with,” said spokesman Michael Ahrens.
Joining Mr Cohen in endorsing the articles are Democratic Representatives Luis Gutiérrez, Al Green, Adriano Espaillat, Marcia Fudge and John Yarmuth.
“We believe that President Trump has violated the Constitution, and we’ve introduced five articles of impeachment,” Mr Cohen said at a press conference.
Mr Cohen in August said he intended to introduce impeachment articles against Mr Trump over the President’s response to a violent rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. During the summer, white supremacist demonstrators descended on the Virginia city to protest the removal of a statue of Confederate General Robert E Lee. The rally, met by counter-protests, quickly became violent – prompting the governor to declare a ‘state of emergency’.
Mr Trump has received widespread bipartisan criticism for his comments insisting that white supremacists, neo-Nazis and other hate groups did not deserve 100 per cent of the blame for the violence that resulted in the death of 32-year-old Heather Heyer.
Mr Green had introduced impeachment articles of his own last month, asserting on the House floor that Mr Trump’s Charlottesville response, his attack on NFL players who knelt during the national anthem in protest, and his debunked claim that Barack Obama had wire-tapped him, had all undermined the integrity of the Oval Office and “brought disrepute on the presidency”.
The articles introduced on Wednesday accuse Mr Trump of violating the foreign emoluments clause-which bars public officials from receiving gifts from foreign governments without Congress’s consent – and the domestic emoluments clause, which prohibits the president from profiting from his office.
The Democrats also claim that Mr Trump has undermined two of the country’s most important institutions – the courts and the press – in ways that threaten the health of American democracy.