Hospitals unable to accommodate patients

Diarrhoea outbreak continues


Staff Reporter :
Serious outbreak of diarrhoea has made all anxious since the specialist hospital could not accommodate patients, sources said.
Several thousand patients have been admitted to hospitals being contaminated with the waterborne disease, but many returned home as there was scanty of seats.
The International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh (Icddr,b) Hospital sources said that about 60 patients are coming in hour for seeking a bed there.
The officials are on hardship to accommodate enormous number of patients.
They have not seen so much diarrhoea patients in the 60 year’s history of the hospital, the officials said.
Meanwhile, the hospital has installed seven tents outside to meet the end of the medical service required for the extra patients.
Besides, the capital, people from its surrounding suburbs and several other districts also are infected.
Meanwhile, the Directorate General of Health Services said that they are alert on current outbreak of diarrhoea.
“Diarrhoea patients are increasing before the summer, the government is alert to control the spreading of the disease. It has prescribed necessary salines, medicines and other supports to hospitals,” Md. Nazmul Islam, Line Director of DGHS told it in a virtual health bulletin on Sunday.
He said taking doctors advice in case of diarrhoea infection is a must.
Safe water always can keep everyone safe from the disease, he said.
Public health experts said that drinking of polluted water was the major reason of diarrhoea outbreak.
They said that human bodies required extra water during this hot summer.
Meanwhile, people in the capital used to drink different types of fruit juices, sugarcane juices and other drinks as they feel serious thirsty in this hot weather.
Most of the drinks and juices used to prepare with dirty and polluted water, and people who drank such juices were infected with the diarrhoea.
The outbreak were seen since the first week of this month but increasing number of the patients started to come to the hospitals since the mid of the month.
ICDDR,B said that more than one thousand patients were admitted every day since March16.
Now about 1300 patients took treatment on Sunday in hospital beds and its tents outside, officials said.
On the other hand, several patients said that hospital authority cancelled their seat allotment before their recovering.
“I am not fully recovered, but the authority cancelled my admission and asked to go home today (Sunday),” said Jahirul Islam a patients from Malibagh area.
He said several other patients also were released from the hospital before ful recovering for accommodating problem.
