Horoscope of the week

The fact that Venus has been sending powerful signals to your sign has been responsible for helping you avoid some of the worst consequences of recent events. Your own efforts deserve praise as well. You might have to wait for other people to see it the same way, though!
Business affairs are requiring more attention, not least because of the efforts that partners and associates will soon be making to interest you in a new scheme designed to double your profits. It seems clear that you will soon be able to come up with the goods at work.
Professional events have definitely taken an upturn, and even domestic chores should be much less bother than in recent months. Capitalise on helpful planetary influences and make the most of your advantages, chiefly being an upsurge in your creative powers.
Throughout the ups and downs of recent weeks one thing has remained constant, and this is that behind current developments lies a drift towards a life that can be more fulfilling, and which will give you greater scope to express your real talents.
The fact that Mercury is today sending a series of important signals will bring relief from recent disagreements and dilemmas. Over the next two weeks go all out to put agreements on to a firm footing, but first you may have to revise certain details.
Very soon your thoughts will be turning to those parts of your life which are fundamental to your existence. You know that there are improvements waiting to be implemented, and that only you can take the right initiatives. And don’t spend too much while you’re about it!
You’re entering a period which will be more intellectually inquisitive. In other words you’ll be reading more, writing letters, sharing ideas and even contemplating signing up for a course. In love, you’ll be pursuing personal goals close to home.
Now that certain worldly difficulties have been safely dealt with, you should be able to see that the most trying circumstances in the short term, are often those from which you gain the most in the long term. Oh, and by the way, you’ll be doing well in conferences, meetings and interviews as long as provided you stick close to the facts.
In general, events should start to move in your direction, although you must be both flexible and decisive. In other words you must stick to your guns but always take other people’s wishes into account, never an easy task, I know. Do yourself a favour and put more energy into social arrangements.
You’re very sensitive to the needs of others, too sensitive some would say, and over the next month or so you’ll be more influenced than is good for you by partners’ grumbles and complaints. But then I have a feeling you’ll turn every situation to the good.
There’s no doubt that you’re entering a period that will be more satisfying from the social point of view. You’ll be putting your ideas across much more effectively than in the past – and you’ll be getting on top of a decidedly knotty, legal question.
You’ll get ahead of events by paying attention to your professional and other ambitions as soon as possible. This is an ideal time to arrange interviews and push yourself forward. Good news is coming, but not just yet. But isn’t that always the way? n
-Weekend Plus Desk