Horoscope of the week

Aries (Mar 21-Apr 20): I know you have a few personal doubts. Who wouldn’t? However, you now have a chance to make a handsome amount of money. But how? I think the answer will be revealed within three weeks, so be patient. An emotional break with the past will be essential.
Taurus (Apr 21-May 21): It’s all happening. Stunning relationships between planets like the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn will wake you up if nothing else does. I can promise you that very soon you’ll be a new person. I’d also like to advise you that everything depends on how and when you say your piece.
Gemini (May 22-June 21): Venus is a good enough ally to have in times like these. By that I mean that you’ll need every friend you have when the missiles start flying. Perhaps you can talk a bit of sense into people who seem determined to make the worst of a bad job.
Cancer (June 22-July 23): This is not the easiest of weeks to indicate what’s what and who is who. However, at a guess I’d say that you’ll give as good as you get. Just remember that to be a good general you must have a strategy, and that to win every move you make must be absolutely faultless.
Leo (July 24-Aug 23): Your financial stars are looking stronger by the day, which should come as some consolation. You see, employers, partners, relations and just about everyone you know will be unreliable, irascible and utterly contradictory. You’ll need the patience of a saint, and that’s just what you’ll get!
Virgo (Aug 24-Sept 23): It will be your job to supply the sticking plaster. Granted, you may feel mildly miffed or offended, but that doesn’t change the fact that you must remain responsible. Money matters may be resolved after the next weekend, perhaps when somebody with more experience enters the frame.
Libra (Sept 24-Oct 23): With the Sun and Moon putting such a powerful emphasis on your sign, I can see that nobody is going to put you down any longer. In fact, whatever your age or circumstances, there is a more fulfilled life to be lived. Riches may come in the form of romantic contentment.
Scorpio (Oct 24-Nov 22): The Sun is but one of four planets which are shortly to send the world into a spin. At times like this it is always best to remember that yours is the sign of the healer. You may channel subtle cosmic energy into creative directions and counter the angry influences of your partners and colleagues.
Sagittarius (Nov 23-Dec 22): Oh, for the wisdom of a Sagittarian! Jupiter, your planetary ruler, is currently holding the world together, which means that you must come up with the answers wherever and whenever you see children or colleagues going in for a spot of mindless conflict. You may be the perfect peace-maker!
Capricorn (Dec 23-Jan 20): Would you believe it if I said you occupied a commanding position? Well, strange as it may seem, you are the instigator of the week’s unusual happenings. You also hold most of the solutions, because only you have any idea of what is lined up for the next two years.
Aquarius (Jan 21-Feb 19): Sometimes we astrologers look ahead and say that the world will never be the same again. I can’t say whether the changes in your life over the next two months will be bumpy or smooth. What I can promise is that when you look back on this period in your life, you will see how incredibly significant it all was.
Pisces (Feb 20-Mar 20): Forget the fact that astrologers tell you how soft you can be, when it seems that you can be as tough as the next person! This is no time to be squeamish. You’ll be rushed off your feet, partly with fresh chores, but also with people asking you what’s going on! -Weekend Plus Desk