Horoscope of the week

ARIES (MAR 21-APR 20): You are now entering an exciting time, one when almost anything could happen. This is why it is so difficult to make predictions for you. Yet deep down you know that most of what you are doing is intended to bring down the curtain on one particular emotional drama, forcing others to make their intentions clear.
TAURUS (APR 21-MAY 21): There is little to hold you back now, not even your own feelings of apprehension about the future. Powerful planetary patterns will enable you to distinguish your imaginary fears from limitations which are real and which must therefore be taken into account. Perhaps you would do well not to worry about the outcome.
GEMINI (MAY 22-JUNE 21): As Jupiter significantly adjusts its position, a struggle for supremacy should be drawing to a close, hopefully with you now taking the upper hand. You may still be undecided as to which way you should turn, and unless you are prepared to give up certain rights, you must expect other people to feel slightly miffed.
CANCER (JUNE 22-JULY 23): You will get off to a flying start, even though confusion and uncertainty may dog your footsteps. Once you escape from the lack of direction that has plagued you in the past, you will begin to make excellent progress. You may find that it was not you, but your close friends and partners, who were responsible for holding you up.
LEO (JULY 24-AUG 23): The combination of charming Venus and aggressive Mars is almost irresistible. There will be few people, if any, who will be able to withstand your wiles and graces, and this does seem like an ideal time to achieve many of your goals. Romantic activities are well-starred, which is probably one of your major considerations.
VIRGO (AUG 24-SEPT 23): Mercury, your delightful and witty planetary ruler, is now coasting through a supportive region of your chart. This may be excellent for your work and professional hopes, but is not so hot as far as your emotional state is concerned. Don’t worry, though, because you’ll begin to see everything from an altogether different and even more positive perspective.
LIBRA (SEPT 24-OCT 23): Developments that are beginning to take place in your life now will accelerate and intensify as the weeks go by. You were at the centre of important emotional influences in recent months, but now that a personal issue is on the sidelines, you can redirect your energies. In fact, you are about to experience some amazing changes.
SCORPIO (OCT 24-NOV 22): Mars, a planet which always has a special meaning in your life, is adopting a position which is broadly helpful, but not without a number of important consequences, personal as well as professional. In particular, you must be aware that teachers, employers or other people in authority will expect you to give your best.
SAGITTARIUS (NOV 23-DEC 22): For as long as serious Saturn is aligned with your sign you must expect that both friends and partners will have the advantage in any joint ventures, but also that you stand to gain enormously from their efforts. Indeed, you must now wake up and realise the extent to which you have benefited from other people’s generosity.
CAPRICORN (DEC 23-JAN 20): The most important personal developments probably take place at the beginning of the next month, mainly due to the Moon’s changing patterns and alignments. Much depends on how well you are able to organise yourself now, and whether you are bold enough to get away with a dramatic break with stale conditions.
AQUARIUS (JAN 21-FEB 19): Venus and Mars are such important planets that you must take notice of any and every message they send your way. Right now, this remarkable duo is in exactly the right position to open up your social and romantic life. Do not be afraid to make the first move if that is the only way to get what you want.
PISCES (FEB 20-MAR 20): The current planetary picture suggests that you shouldn’t be taken in by others’ charm, chatty manner or extravagant promises, no matter how deep and sincere they appear to be. Jupiter, your planetary ruler, is in a lively, freedom-loving position, revealing that nothing means what it seems to at first sight.
– Weekend Plus Desk