Horoscope of the week

Aries (Mar 21-Apr 20): You must now pay greater attention to work, even if this goes against the grain. It may not be your responsibilities which come under scrutiny but those of someone with whom you are intimately involved. Venus is now urging you to put more effort into a close relationship and your emotional fortunes are looking up at last.
Taurus (Apr 21-May 21): The big change is triggered by Mercury’s alignment with a sector of your chart which is profoundly creative. This gives you the chance to rethink your plans and proposals in the broadest sense, no matter whether they are strictly personal or purely professional. Mars maintains your steady, worthwhile progress at work.
Gemini (May 22-June 21): In many respects life has been a bit gruelling over recent weeks, mainly because the planets have been in unhelpful positions. Now that Mercury, your planetary ruler, is changing signs, your fortunes will improve. Plus, your stars are about to assume a more prosperous dimension – if you can wait until next month!
Cancer (June 22-July 23): It’s energetic Mars and mystical Neptune which get you going this week and next. One moment you’ll be floating on cloud nine, the next you’ll be down in the dumps after your hopes are deflated. Try and find a middle way! The only problem may be friends who seem determined to misunderstand and misconstrue your every word.
Leo (July 24-Aug 23): You have much to boast about, but you must remember the virtues of humility! The effects of recent lunar alignments are still too strong for you to abandon important commitments or break arrangements. Remember that as a Leo you have a duty to protect friends and relatives who are less well-off than you.
Virgo (Aug 24-Sept 23): Very gradually the stars are moving from a creative and personally fulfilling position, to one that is going to bring more in the way of hard work. In the meantime, make the most of children’s company. Moneywise, you’re approaching a period of rewards and windfalls but not just yet – first of all you have to sow the seeds.
Libra (Sept 24-Oct 23): Travel still seems to be very strongly indicated in your stars. However, journeys undertaken for purely personal reasons will be much more significant than those connected to work and other responsibilities. Your romantic stars are excellent and will remain so for at least another six months.
Scorpio (Oct 24-Nov 22): Mercury, the planet of communication, takes up a more encouraging aspect to your sign, an indication that your mood is about to improve. Put forward your own unique ideas with the confidence they deserve. If you’re frustrated at work you must be prepared to wait another month or so for difficulties to shift.
Sagittarius (Nov 23-Dec 22): With Jupiter, your ruling planet, so strongly placed, what can go wrong? ‘Not much’ is the answer, so you can afford to be confident. That doesn’t mean that you must start throwing your money around, though! There is every opportunity for getting out and meeting new people. Take advantage of bright and bubbly invitations.
Capricorn (Dec 23-Jan 20): Energetic Mars forms its next alignment with nebulous Neptune very soon, causing much confusion. This is, to put it mildly, not the best time to deal with any complicated practical issues unless you first check out the legal background. You must, repeat must, do your best to put colleagues, associates and friends at their ease.
Aquarius (Jan 21-Feb 19): Mercury, that most witty and versatile of planets, has entered your sign, bringing a much-needed shot of energy. Use this time wisely by arranging meetings, interviews and discussions at which you can put over your point of view. And, intriguingly, vivacious Venus lends an air of mystery to romantic encounters.
Pisces (Feb 20-Mar 20): Enthusiastic stars are shining, and inspired contacts with new friends and even with complete strangers should now start to bear fruit. Somehow you will begin to feel much more optimistic about your future. One thing is certain, and that is that you have commenced a new enterprise with your best foot forward. -Weekend Plus Desk