Hope lies in unity –Barrister Mainul


In an answer to a question from a deeply worried person, Barrister Mainul Hosein explained that the failed leadership and failed politics of long years cannot be the solution. Hope lies in unity among our educated ones for new leadership and new politics. In any democracy, a failed leader resigns voluntarily, but not in our country. Now voters are also not needed to form an elected government.Barrister Mainul made those observations while participating on Monday night in ‘mytv’ talk show on abductions and murders which have created panic and insecurity of life throughout the country. It was hosted by Mahmoud-Al-Faisal and the other participant was Major General (Retd.) Abdur Rashid, a security expert.According to Mr Hosein, we have no democracy and cannot rely on rule of law when democracy is being systemically crippled and terrorism is pursued as politics. Allegations against RAB and police have dangerous implications. The government must own responsibility and feel accountable for the killings and insecurity. In South Korea, the Prime Minister took responsibility for sinking of a ferry killing a large number of school children. Our leaders do not take responsibility and blame each other. Because they do not have competence to solve problems, said Barrister Mainul.In another part of the discussion, he said categorically that the law enforcing agencies are highly politicized through inclusion of party activists and not free as law enforcers to work professionally for the people. People are not sure if real criminals are prosecuted. The incidents of killing and disappearance have become everyday happenings in the country and the situation is both shocking and shameful. It is shameful, because our educated ones have failed to show strength of character to do what is right for the people or the country. The lawyers of Narayanganj are now united against the terrorists who also killed a senior lawyer. But I cannot be sure if the party activists are instructed otherwise by the leaders of BNP and Awami League this united stand would continue. Barrister Mainul pointed out that in the Constitution there is no mention of liberation war. Everywhere it is said that the independence was attained by the people through their long struggle. Yet some people are dividing the nation in the name of liberation war only to deny that the liberation struggle was of all people. But we have every reason to live unitedly together happily and peacefully. Major General (Retd.) Abdur Rashid explained how criminals work and get organized. He also finds the situation worrisome and dangerous, but will not agree that government should be called a failed government. He wants the people not to lose hope and expressed optimism to believe things will be under control soon and the government will be able to take few right decisions that are necessary. General Rashid’s view is that the country has been more divided by Islamist extremists than by freedom fighters.
