Honours Admission-2014


Registration for RU admission begins Augt 25

RU Correspondent

The registration for admission tests for first year honors courses at Rajshahi University (RU) under the academic year 2014-2015 will begin on August 25 and will be continued till September 14, said a press release of the university administration.
The decision was come on Saturday in a meeting of sub-committee for admission tests presided over by the university’s vice-chancellor Professor Muhammad Mizanuddin, release also said.
The registration process will be conducted through the short message system of mobile operator Teletalk.
The requirement GPA to register for admission test has been fixed GPA 7.50, 8.00 and 8.50 in total computing the score of secondary school certificate and higher school certificate exam for the students from arts, commerce and science respectively. Applicants having background of arts and commerce would have minimum GPA 3.50 separately in SSC and HSC and GPA 4.00 for science.
This time, the registration fees has been fixed at TK 250 for a unit having a single department and more TK 50 would be added for adding each new department under a unit.
The admission test under 8 unites will be held from October 19 to October 25.
The details of the admission tests would be available in the following links www.ru.ac.bd and http://admission.ru.ac.bd.

Calculator prohibited in DU admission tests


Campus Report

Calculators and other electronic devices will not be allowed during the admission tests of Dhaka University (DU) to prevent cheating.
Last year, several students had been caught using such devices to cheat during the admission test. The rule bars the use of mobile phones, watches and other such electronic gadgets as well as calculators.
Calculators come in handy during ‘Ka’ unit tests – physics and mathematics – and the latest move is likely to hit the aspirants hard.
DU Vice-Chancellor AAMS Arefin Siddique defended the decision, saying there would not be any question that would require the use of calculators. He said many candidates tried to cheat during several past entry tests using ‘mobile modes’ on their calculator devices. “The decision has been taken to prevent such malpractices”, he added.
Applicants can apply online like in the previous year. Aug 31, 2014 has been set as the deadline for filing applications. Candidates will have to pay Tk. 300/- as admission fee and another Tk. 50/- for service charge. The amount can be deposited in any branch of the Sonali, Janata, Agrani or Rupali bank.
This year, 6,582 students will get the chance to enroll in five units. Of them, ‘Ka’ unit will offer 1,640 seats, ‘Kha’ unit 2,221, ‘Ga’ unit 1,170, ‘Gha’ unit 1,416, and ‘Cha’ unit 135 seats.
Admission tests will commence on September 05, 2014 with ‘Ga’ unit followed by ‘Ka’ unit on September 12, ‘Kha’ on September 19, ‘Gha’ on September 26 and ‘Cha’ on September 13. Any information regarding the admission test can also be had from the university’s website (admission.eis.du.ac.bd).

PSTU invites applications for graduate engineering

Campus Report

Patuakhali Science and Technology University (PSTU) has invited applications for Bachelor (Honors) and engineering admission from eligible candidates through Teletalk Mobile Phone for the academic session 2014-2015.
The admission test will be held on December 05, 2014, says a press release from the university on August 17, 2014.
The admission test of PSTU will be held under three units (‘A’ Unit from 10:00 am – 11:00 am, ‘B’ Unit from 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm, and ‘C’ Unit from 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm). Admission tests will be held at the University campus.
Detailed information will be available at the University website: www.pstu.ac.bd
