Holy Shab-e-Barat observed


BSS, Chittagong :
The holy Shab-e-Barat, which the Muslims consider as “sacred night of fortune”, was observed in the city as elsewhere in the district with due religious fervour and solemnity.
Religious organizations including Islamic Foundation, Chittagong authorities here have chalked out programmes including discussion meeting, Milad and Zikir Mahfil on this occasion. Muslim devotees spent the whole night at mosques and other religious places of worships by offering prayers, zikir, milad mahfils, reading holy Quran and participating in discussions on the importance of the day.
Huge Muslim devotees went to the shrines of celebrated saints including Hajrat Shah Amanat Shah (Rht), Hajrat Garibullah Shah (Rht) and Hajrat Bayezeed Bostami (Rht) for offering Ziarat there.
Besides seeking divine blessings for the peace, progress and happiness of the individuals, country as well as Muslim Ummah , the religious minded people also visited graves of their near and dear ones for the peace of the departed souls. Like every year, a large numbers of devotees offerered their prayers and participated in other religious rituals on this occasion staying whole night at port city’s famous mosques – Jamiatul Falah Mosque, Andarkilla Shahi Jame Mosque and Baitus Sharaf Mosque.
Besides, a large number of Muslim devotees throng some renowned mazars and offer night long prayers including Maiz Bhandar Darbar Sharif at Fatikchari, Mohsen Aulia of Anwara, Shah Saheb Kebla of Chunati and Kumiraghona Darbar Sharif at Lohagara.
In observance of the holy night, some Muslim devotees also observe fasting before and following day of the occasion while well-to do people fed the destitute.
Improved diets were served in jails, hospitals, orphanages and juveniles centres, run by the social welfare department. The local newspapers published special articles while Chittagong centres of Bangladesh Television and Bangladesh Betar aired special programmes focusing the significance of the holy day.
