Holy Ramzan A Month To Build Character


A.T.M. Nurun Nabi :
Roza or fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam. Fasting is an ordinance of God. The Quran says, “0 ye who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you, as it was prescribed for those before you, so that you may guard (against evils),”2/183.
Fasting is compulsory. In case of a sick man having no chance to recover, he will feed a poor twice a day- (Ref: Al Quran, 2/184). Regarding the number of days feeding a poor, the Prophet said that a man would feed the poor, as many days he was sick- (Ref: Bukhari Sharif in Bengali at page No. 189.)
Since the number of days differs in the Arabic months, the Prophet has distinctly said, “Keep fasting with the sighting of the moon and break fasting with the sighting of the moon. If the sighting of moon becomes not possible (due to inclement weather), fulfill (the month of Ramzan) 30 days,” -Bukhari Sharif in Bengali at page No. 176.
The holy month of Ramzan builds character, ameliorates ethics and morality, and teaches man to feel for others, for a society where no man shall exploit another. In this month, the Muslims, all over the world, stay away from food, drinks and sex with spouses from dawn to dusk. The Quran says, “Eat and drink until the whiteness of the day becomes distinct from the blackness of the night at dawn, and complete the fast till dark of night,”- (Sura Baqara, Verse No.187).
About fasting, Allah says, I shall reward whoso fasts free from lies. Its reward is endless. Surely the stink coming out of their mouths will be sweater on the Day of Judgment than the fragrance of the musk- (Ref: Hadith h-e-Qudsi, Hadith No. 169).
Fasting is like a shield for the believers against evils and the hell-fire. A man abstaining from all kinds of crimes from this world can see the world of Angels before death. Allah says, whoso does not control his limbs from doing things forbidden by Me, there is no need of him/her abstaining from food and drink and sex with spouses-Ibid, Hadith No. 177.
We read in Hadith e-Qudsi. Hadith No. 180 that Allah accepts his fasting whom the Holy Spirit Jibreel recommends. He does not recommend for those who are involved with crimes, even though they fast.
With nightfall, a man keeps fasting and breaks it taking food and drink as ordained by Allah (Ref: Al Quran, 2/187). At the same time, he has been warned not to waste and exceed the limit (Ref: Al Quran, 2/60, 5/87). In this connection, Hazrat Fatema (AS) quoted the Prophet to have said, “Whoso takes varieties of foods, wears dresses of different designs, and pass time in useless conversation is unfortunate, really unfortunate (Murshid-e- Ameen by Imam Ghazzali at page No. 231). Allah says, Iftari must be taken at the fixed time with minimum foods. Such a person is favourite to Me- Ibid, Hadith No. 175.
Every society has both rich and the poor. In the month of Ramzan, the rich is under obligation to pay Zakat (poor due) @ Taka 2.50. The Prophet had a separate ministry to collect Zakat from the rich. The amount so collected was used to rehabilitate the poor. Zakat is not a mercy nor optional.
In fine, Ramzan is the month of fasting for the Muslims in which Allah began to reveal the Quran and decrees the fate of every human being for the next one year. Allah says: The month of Ramzan in which was revealed the Quran, as guidance for mankind, clear proof of guidance, and criterion (of right and wrong)-2/187.

(A.T. M. Nurun Nabi is a senior
