Holy Ashura observed in Rajshahi

BSS, Rajshahi :
The holy Ashura, marking the tragic 10th day of Muharram, was observed here today with due religious fervor and zeal as elsewhere in the country.
Different religious organisations, including Islamic Foundation and Bangladesh Ahle Hadith Bayte Foundation, observed the day through various programmes in limited-scale amid the present coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic situation.
The Shia community people brought out a peaceful procession in the city area to mark the day.
Other programmes of the day included Quran Khwani, Milad Mahfil and fasting.
Islamic Foundation organised a discussion on ‘Importance of Holy Ashura in Preserving Peace and Order in Society’ at its divisional office through maintaining social distancing and other health safety guidelines.
Thousands of musallis after Johr prayers offered special munajats seeking divine blessings and eternal peace of departed souls particularly their near and dear ones, continued peace, progress, and prosperity of the country and as well as greater welfare of the Muslim Ummah.