Holy Ashura observed

epa04475523 Shi'ite Muslims during a Muharram procession ahead of the Ashura commemoration in Dhaka, Bangladesh, 04 November 2014. Muslims across the world are observing Moharram, the first month of the Islamic calender. The climax of Moharram is the Ashura festival, commemorating the martyrdom of Imam Hussein, a grandson of the Prophet Mohammed in the Iraqi city of Karbala in the seventh century. EPA/MONIRUL ALAM

The holy Ashura, commemorating the martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA), was observed in the country on Tuesday with due religious fervour and solemnity. On this day in the Hijri year of 61, Hazrat Imam, the grandson of Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh), along with his family members and 72 followers embraced martyrdom in the hands of soldiers of Yazid at Karbala desert for the supremacy of justice and righteousness. The day was a public holiday. Various religious organisations and political parties observed the day with elaborate programmes. Shia community members brought out tazia processions in different areas of the city, including Mohammadpur and old part, marking the day. Jatiyatabadi Ulema Dal arranged a milad mahfil at the BNP’s Nayapaltan central office on the occasion.
