Rohingya crisis: Holding of perpetrators accountable stressed

UNB, Dhaka :
Speakers at a discussion in The Hague have laid emphasis on holding perpetrators accountable and targeted sanctions against the responsible persons to address the Rohingya crisis.
Khin Zaw Win, a Myanmar national and a political activist, among others, spoke at the discussion titled “A lonesome voice from Myanmar”. The discussion was organised by the Humanity House, a museum and think-tank in The Hague recently, said a press release on Thursday. Ambassador of Bangladesh to the Netherlands Sheikh Mohammed Belal and Mira Woldberg, Head South and Southeast Asia and Oceania Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands also joined the discussion. Representatives from the international organisations, international humanitarian NGOs attended the event. Ambassador Belal explained how Bangladesh has been bearing the brunt over decades of the systematic persecution against the
Rohingyas in Rakhine State by the Myanmar authorities resulting in fleeing of over one million Rohingyas into Bangladesh.
He touched upon the multidimensional and multilayered crisis for Bangladesh ranging from economic, security, environmental, social, and political due to the influx of Rohingyas from Myanmar and underscored the necessity for a durable solution of the problem for the sake of humanity. The Ambassador sought support from the international community for the return of the displaced Rohingyas to their homeland in Myanmar with safety and dignity. He highlighted Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s five-point proposal at the 72nd Session of the United National General Assembly in September 2017 for a permanent solution to this protracted Rohingya crisis. The Ambassador suggested the Netherlands to create grounds as the current President of the UN Security Council to bring perpetrators of the crimes of ethnic cleansing in Rakhine State to justice to stop recurrence of such atrocity crimes in future. Mira Woldberg informed that the Netherlands had been trying to bring the Rohingya crisis in the UN Security Council agenda and underlined that targeted sanctions by international community against the individuals responsible for the Rohingya crisis may be fruitful to address the Rohingya crisis. Expressing disappointment at the roles of State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi to address the Rohingya crisis, Khin Zaw Win observed that the worst ethnic cleansing took place in the Rakhine State during the Myanmar’s democratisation process.