Holding fair polls requires equal role from all sides: Haas


Staff Reporter :
US Ambassador to Bangladesh Peter Hass on Wednesday said that his government did not favour any particular political party in Bangladesh sidelining others.
He also said that holding a free and fair election will become nearly impossible if all stakeholders do not play its due role.
Peter Hass made this remark while launching of an e-learning platform called “Politics Matters” – www.politicsmatters.com.bd – at an event in a city hotel.
About the US role with political parties, he said, “Just to be clear, the United States does not favor any political party in Bangladesh sidelining others.”
He said that his government is continuing to be a strong supporter of Bangladesh’s efforts to improve the quality of life for all its citizens.
But he said, “A fundamental way to improve the quality of life for citizens is to give them the opportunity to participate in free, fair, and transparent elections held in accordance with international standards.”
“What better way is there to allow the people to share their voices on what matters to them than through their ability to freely cast their ballot?” he continued.
Regarding the role of all stakeholders in holding fair polls, he said, “I know from the United States’ experience that holding free and fair elections is a complicated task. And one that requires every part of society.”
From the election commission to the government, from the media to law enforcement, from civil society to political parties, everyone has an important role to play, he added.
“If any one of them fails to fulfill its responsibility – or if any one of them prevents another from fulfilling their responsibility, free and fair elections become nearly impossible,” the envoy said.
About how does he understand Bangladesh better, he said, “I have had the opportunity to sit down with many of you (political politicians) already – and I will continue to meet with politicians of all political parties as I get to know Bangladesh better.”
USAID’s ‘Strengthening Political Landscape’ project, implemented by Democracy International, launched the ‘Politics Matters’ platform which will offer international-standard training modules on political party practices and democracy.
 Among others, Information and Broadcasting Minister and Awami League Central Joint Secretary Dr Hasan Mahmud,
BNP Standing Committee Member Amir Khasru Mahmud Chowdhury, Jatiya Party Presidium Member Barrister Shameem Haider Patwary and Democracy International Chief of Party Dana L. Olds also spoke at the event.
Information Minister said, “All political parties have responsibility for a fair election. For fair polls, there is a need to avoid boycotting elections, negative politics and use of violence.”
He hoped that the next parliamentary election would be free and fair with the participation of all political parties.
 “Politics should not be the platform for those who have money, political family background or muscle power only. Rather the engagement of common people is needed for proper public representation,” Amir Khasru said.
