HK pro-democracy leaders shave heads in protest

Hong Kong pro-democracy activist Benny Tai © gets his head shaved with others in a symbolic act of protest against Beijng's increased political control over the city, at St. Bonaventure church in Hong Kong .
Hong Kong pro-democracy activist Benny Tai © gets his head shaved with others in a symbolic act of protest against Beijng's increased political control over the city, at St. Bonaventure church in Hong Kong .

AFP, Hong Kong :To the sound of whirring clippers, Hong Kong democracy activists shaved their heads Tuesday in a symbolic act of protest against China’s increased political control over the city.Dozens of pro-democracy campaigners gathered in a church hall packed with supporters and press for the ritual, declaring that the removal of their hair represented their willingness to make sacrifices for Hong Kong’s political future.Among those who had their heads shorn were the three founders of Occupy Central-a grassroots network which has vowed to take over the streets of the city’s financial district following China’s recent decision to restrict who can stand for the city’s top post.”It is our determination to show we can give something up in order to fight for something more important,” said Benny Tai, an Occupy co-founder and local academic.”To Chinese people, our hair is a gift given to us by our parents. It is precious. One day we will also give up our freedom to fight for democracy,” he added.
