Hizb-ut Tahrir sends leaflets to 41 SC judges


Banned militant outfit Hizb ut-Tahrir Bangladesh has sent leaflets to 41 Supreme Court judges. One Asaduzzaman Asad, who claimed himself to be an employee of ‘Sundarban Courier Service’ was held while distributing the leaflets at the Supreme Court on Wednesday noon.The leaflets came to the notice when the courier service employee delivered a parcel to the office of Justice JBM Hasan.Later, the SC officials caught the man with the remaining 40 parcels of leaflets and handed him over to police.Officer-in-charge of Shahbagh Police Station Abu Zafar Biswas said each parcel contains leaflets of the banned outfit and there was no threat in the leaflets. “We’re investigating the matter and will decide the next steps after further scrutiny,” he added.Sources at the SC said the two-page leaflets urged the members of law enforcement agencies and the judiciary to stop serving the government.
