Hit by ‘Chander Gari’, 2 schoolgirls die in Chattogram


UNB, Chattogram :

Two schoolgirls were killed and another was injured when a goods-laden jeep (locally known as Chander Gari) knocked them down at Pelagazi intersection in Fatikchhari upazila of Chattogram district on Wednesday.

The deceased were identified as Mishu Akter, 15 and Nishu Moni, 17, both were students of class X.

Alamgir Hossain, sub-inspector of Fatikchhari Police Station, said the accident occurred around 1 pm when the speedy vehicle ran over the students while trying to flee from the area ignoring police signal, leaving two girls dead on the spot and another injured.


The injured girl was taken to a local hospital.

Police seized the jeep but could not arrest its driver.

Angered by the incident, local people put up a barricade on the road for one hour, disrupting traffic movement.
