History making President to be, Hillary will be against hate and mean politics


THE United States of America (USA) is set to make new history to elect a woman president of the world’s most powerful nation since its founding in 1776. The Democratic Party nominated former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as their candidate for November 8 election breaking the past tradition that a man always to be a President. Hillary has accepted the nomination in Philadelphia party convention on Thursday terming it a ‘moment of reckoning’ for the nation. She will now fight with Republican nominated candidate Donald Trump in White House race. The US Presidential election has turned critically on debate this time with Donald Trump’s unconventional agenda of America first to the exclusion of globalisation is disturbing for America’s greatness as the Super Power. His isolationist policy against US allies in Europe and Asia and hatred against Muslims, Mexicans and even on US women led most senior Republican Party leaders to keep away from his Convention in Cleveland where he was nominated party candidate. Particularly his call to ban Muslims entering the USA and build walls on Mexican border go against American values of openness and inclusion.Hillary appears to be facing a tough election campaign, in which Trump is riding on a populist platform that agitates the poor for low wages and America’s loss of jobs to people from other continents. Hillary has won a thunderous nomination in a packed Convention Center and vowed America’s racial tolerance and liberal policy would continue if she is elected. Party leaders, workers and high profile persons from civil society and cultural fronts endorsed her in unequivocal terms. President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, former President Bill Clinton, senators and retired generals made their public endorsement in the convention asking American people to secure the country’s future from an unpredictable Trump. Senator Berne Sander also made his endorsement; who fought to the last every primary for Democratic Party nomination. He asked supporters to defeat Trump in whose hands America would not be safe. What inspires many when Hillary says, she, not alone, but with the American people would write a new chapter of US history making great America even greater if she is elected. One thing is sure about Hillary Clinton is that she is bold and determined. She made her intention clear that she will not ban Muslims rather she will work with everybody to make the world a safer place. She is clear that the Islamists and other jihadists are denounced by the Muslims as terrorists and to be punished and eliminated as they are more anti-Muslim than anti-anything else. He will destroy everything that makes America great if Donald Trump is elected President. By saying that to him ‘America first’ makes it known to everybody that he is unfit to be the President of great America. Hillary has long experiences and tough when toughness is necessary. As President Obama while praising her determination said she does not quit the race in the middle.
