‘Historic Mujibnagar Day to inspire nation from generation to generation’


Liberation War Affairs Minister AKM Mozammel Haque urged the people to perform their respective duties properly for building Sonar Bangla under the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina imbued with patriotism and lessons of the Mujibnagar Day.
The spirit and teaching of the historic Mujibnagar day will continue to inspire the nation from generation to generation, he added.
The minister made this call on Friday marking the historic Mujibnagar Day.
Describing April 17 as a glorious and memorable day in the history of Independent Bangladesh, Mozammel Huq said the first government of Bangladesh had taken oath on this day at the Mango orchard in Baidhyanathtala under Meherpur district in 1971.
“The great liberation war of Bangladesh got its institutional shape through this historic fact,” Huq said.
After declaration of independence of Bangladesh by the Father of the Nation, he said people became rejuvenated and started resisting the Pakistani occupation forces.
The Mujibnagar government as per the instructions of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman had turned the liberation war into a successful people’s war.
The Mujibnagar government has played an important role in realizing the international support and cooperation, said the minister, adding that so, Bangladesh became an independent and sovereign country in less than nine months.
