Historic March 7 to be celebrated in Ctg today


BSS, Chittaong :
The historic March 7 will be celebrated in the city as elsewhere in the district tomorrow in a befitting manner.
Different political parties, their front organizations, professional, trade bodies, educational institutions and scores of socio cultural and literary forums have chalked out day long programmes to celebrate the red- letter day in the history of independent Bangladesh. This day, in 1971, the undisputed leader of the Bangalees Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman delivered his epoch-making speech at the Race Course Maidan, now Suhrawardy Udyan, in Dhaka.
The day’s programme will be heralded with the placing of wreaths at the portrait of the father of the nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in the early hours tomorrow, hoisting of the National flags at the party offices of the different wings of AL, playing of the recorded speech on the historic March 7 of Bangabandhu in different wards of the Chittagong City Corporation throughout the day. Separate meetings will be organized by Chittagong City, north and south district AL as well as different upazilas highlighting the significance of the day.
To mark the day, the Historic March 7 speech of Bangabandhu would also be played in educational institutions particularly primary schools.
The students will be taught the essence of Historic March 7 speech of Bangabandhu.
To mark the day local dailies will publish special articles while Bangladesh Television, Chittagong centre and Bangladesh Betar, Chittagong will air special programmes.
