Historic 7th March observed

Gouripur(Mymensingh) Correspondent :
The historic March 7 was observed on Saturday in a befitting manner at Gouripur Upazila in Mymensingh district.
On this day in 1971, Bangabandhu, the undisputed leader of Bangalis, had delivered his epoch-making speech of independence before a mammoth rally at the then Racecourse Maidan, now Suhrawardy Udyan, in Dhaka.
In 2017, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco) recognised the historic March 7 Speech of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman as a world documentary heritage.
Freedom Fighter Nazim Uddin Ahmed MP on Saturday paid rich tributes to the great leader and greatest Bengali of all time by placing wreaths at his portrait at Bangabandhu Chattar in the town of Gouripur marking the historic 7th March.
During the time, Freedom Fighter Nazim Uddin Ahmed MP observed silence for some time showing respect to the architect of Independence Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
He also called upon the party’s people to observe the historic March 7 with the cooperation of pro-liberation forces.
Besides, different associate organizations of the party, including Awami Jubo League, Mohila Awami League, Krishak League, Bangladesh Chhatra League, Sramik League and various other socio-cultural bodies also chalked out elaborate programmes marking the day.
BSS from Rangpur reports: Leaders of Awami League (AL) and its front organizations on Saturday observed the historic 7th March saying the speech of Bangabandhu was the clear declaration of independence instilling the complete sense of direction to wage ultimate struggle for national freedom.
They said this at a discussion meeting held this evening by district ALoffice in Betpotti area of the city marking the historic 7th March.
The district and city units of AL, its associate bodies, including BangladeshChhatra League (BCL), Jubo League, Swechchasebak League, Krishak League, Sramik League and other organisations have observed the day through day-long programmes .
The programmes included hoisting of the national and party flags, placing wreaths at portrait and mural of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
To mark the day, the recorded epoch-making historic 7th March speech delivered by Bangabandhu on this day in the then Race Course Maidan along with patriotic songs were played every look and corner of the city throughout the day. President of district AL Mamtaz Uddin Ahmed presided over the main discussion. General Secretary of district AL Advocate Rezaul Karim Raju, its Vice- president Professor Mazed Ali Babul, Organising Secretaries of district AL
BSS from Mymensingh says: The historic 7th March was celebrated in the district as elsewhere in the country on Saturday in a befitting manner with a vow to materialize the dream of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Mymensingh district administration and Mymensingh city unit of Awami league took elaborate programmes to observe the day.
Various institutions and socio-cultural organisations and professional bodies also observed the day through holding programmes.
The day’s programmes began with the hoisting of national and party flags atop party office buildings. The leaders and activists paid homage to Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman through placing wreaths at his portrait.
BSS from Rajshahi reports : Local units of Bangladesh Awami League and its front organizations observed the historic March 7, `a Red-letter day in the history of the Bangalees’ long arduous freedom struggle, in a befitting manner with a fresh vow to materialize the dream of Father of the
Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Various institutions and socio-cultural organisations and professional bodies also observed the day through elaborate programmes to mark the day.