Historic 6-Point Day to be observed today


The historic Six-Point Day, marking the demand for autonomy for former East Pakistan, now Bangladesh, will be observed today across the country in a befitting manner.
On June 7 in 1966, Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman launched a massive movement against the misrule of the Pakistanis on the basis of the 6-point demand, the Magna Carta of the Bengalis demanding autonomy for the then east Pakistan.
The nation will pay homage today to its brave sons who laid down their lives 56 years ago for establishing the right of self determination of the Bengalis.
Eleven people, including Manu Mian, Shafique and Shamsul Haque, were gunned down by the police and paramilitary EPR on June 7, 1966 in Dhaka and Narayanganj during a hartal called for the release of Bangabandhu and other leaders detained for launching the Six-Point Movement against the then barbaric ruling clique.
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman launched his historic six-point political and economic programme in Lahore on February 5 in 1966, aiming at attaining greater autonomy for the then East Pakistan in the backdrop of exploitation and discrimination by the then Pakistani rulers.
The six-point demands were – creating provision in the constitution for a Federation of Pakistan in its true sense based on the Lahore resolution, the federal government will deal with only two subjects: Defence and Foreign Affairs, introduction of two separate, but freely convertible currencies for East and West Pakistan, vesting the power of taxation and revenue collection with the federating units, maintaining two separate accounts for the foreign exchange earnings of the two wings and creation a separate militia or paramilitary force for East Pakistan.
To mark the day, different socio-political organisations including Awami League, its associate bodies and like-minded socio-cultural organisations have drawn up elaborate programmes.
President M Abdul Hamid and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Wednesday issued separate messages on the eve of the six-point day.
In his message, President Hamid said the spirit of historic six-point demand inspires all to strengthen and institutionalise the existing democratic system as well as build a hunger- and poverty-free Bangladesh.
Terming the historic six-point demand the milestone in the country’s long struggle for independence, he said six-point contained reasons and inevitability of the independence of Bangladesh.
